What: AGM
Where: Village Brewery
When: 8pm
At this meeting you will have an opportunity to review the past year’s operation of the association with your executive, and to elect at a minimum 6 directors for the governing board of the society for the period until the 2025 AGM.
Note that your executive directors have secured a slate of 7 members willing to stand for election that will fill all executive and director positions required by our association bylaws. Having these 7 positions filled at the upcoming AGM is a mandatory requirement of our society bylaws to ensure club continuity. This does not in any way prevent other members from volunteering to run for any director/executive positions for your society for the 2025 club year. If you are interested, please contact the Secretary, Kevin Hanson at secretary@yeastwranglers.ca by Thursday October 31st. Nominations from the floor are also accepted during the AGM.
Your treasurer will be providing you with important information about the financial status of the Cowtown Yeast Wranglers. A copy of our audited financial statements for the year ended August 30, 2024 will be included in an upcoming email package for you to review prior to the meeting.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the meeting. A shortened version of a normal club meeting will follow.