The Cowtown Yeast Wranglers are a Calgary-based club of homebrewers and beer enthusiasts. Club meetings are typically held on the first Wednesday of every month at 8:00 pm at various locations around town (except in the summer months). Details are announced on this site, our monthly newsletter, and social media platforms.
Has It’s
Memberships are now valid for 1 year from the date of purchase rather than January-December, so anyone buying a membership mid-year will get the same value as someone that purchases a membership in January.
Up to three members from the same household.
Monthly Meetings Sept-June usually include presentations on various homebrew topics.
Sharing of homebrew, recipes, tips, and supplies/equipment happens between members when we get together!
Don't forget to check out our sponsors page for discount details. New for this year, Village Brewery is offering our members a 20% discount on beers in the taproom, off-sales & merch. Our sponsors have asked that members let them know they have a club discount before the transaction is entered into the till.
Aurora Brewing Challenge 2025 hosted by the Edmonton Homebrewers Guild
BJCP 2021 Styles Accepted: All beer, cider, and mead styles.
Registration: Opens April 15
Bottle drop-off location: Village Brewery
Bottle drop-off date: May 25 - May 31
Shipping: May 31 @ 12 noon
2025 Competition Events News
Our annual Roundup Competition is underway!
The Cowtown Yeast Wranglers are proud to host the 17th Annual CTYW Round-up from March 1-9th. The purpose of our competition is to promote homebrewing and beer appreciation.
Wrap-up Gala night will be at Village Brewery Saturday, March 22nd
Meeting location and topic are subject to change.
Please sign up for the newsletter and follow us on social media to get all the updates.
Meetings are intended for members, but we do offer a drop-in rate if you want to check it out.
We are immensely grateful for the unwavering support of our remarkable sponsors. Their dedication to our club makes them true partners in spreading the joy of homebrewing in Calgary.
Take a moment to click on the link below to see a full list of our awesome sponsors and member discounts.
… and many more!